
Conveyancing Rules Version 5 is now published

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Version 5 of the Conveyancing Rules (Rules) will replace Version 4 on 1 July 2019. The Rules are now published on our website.

Fulfilling the Government’s mandated timeframe to transition to eConveyancing in NSW by 1 July 2019, Version 5 of the Rules brings a number of changes that make it mandatory for certain transactions to be lodged electronically. A summary of the new rules is provided below:

Mandatory electronic lodgment of Mainstream dealings

New Rule 8.7 makes it mandatory for Mainstream dealings (defined to mean a transfer, mortgage, discharge of mortgage, caveat, withdrawal of caveat or transmission application) to be lodged electronically from 1 July 2019. The Rule applies whether a Mainstream dealing is lodged as a standalone, or in combination with other Mainstream dealings.

Mandatory electronic lodgment of other dealings from 1 July 2020

New Rule 8.8 makes it mandatory for all dealings  to be lodged electronically from 1 July 2020, whether standalone or in combination. The Rules specify that each dealing must be lodged electronically after declared so by the Registrar General, and after a notice period of at least 90 days.

A Circular detailing the Rules will follow shortly.

Enquires may be made via email to the Office of the Registrar General at