
Digital Survey Plans Review underway

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The Office of the Registrar General together with NSW Spatial Services are pleased to announce that the review into Digital Survey Plans in NSW has commenced. The review will be undertaken in close consultation with NSW Land Registry Services and industry groups.

Plans prepared by surveyors for the creation of new land parcels and strata titles in NSW form the bridge between the planning process for land development and the land titles system. The current process of preparing a plan, gathering endorsements and registration is predominantly paper based and inefficient. A new approach to digital survey plans is needed to realise efficiencies and deliver improved customer outcomes that meet the expectations of the community.

Grosvenor Performance Group has been selected to undertake an intensive phase of engagement with land surveyors and other related professional groups and stakeholders. The review will document lessons learnt from initiatives undertaken to date, analyse stakeholder perspectives and perceptions and assess successful implementations interstate and overseas. At the end of the review, a report will be produced that includes recommendations for a pathway to 100% digital survey plans in NSW.

An industry consultative committee has been established to provide advice and guidance as the review progresses. The committee consists of representatives from the following organisations:

  • Association of Consulting Surveyors NSW
  • Association of Accredited Certifiers
  • Australian Bankers Association
  • Australian Institute of Conveyancers NSW
  • Institution of Surveyors NSW
  • Law Society of NSW
  • Local Government Professionals NSW
  • NSW Department of Customer Service
  • NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
  • NSW Land Registry Services
  • Owners Corporation Network
  • Planning Institute of Australia NSW Division
  • Property Council of Australia NSW Division
  • Sydney Water Corporation

For further information, please contact the Digital Survey Plans Program.