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Latest news

1 Apr 2017
Commencement of lodgment rules

Circular 2017/03New Lodgment Rules for the preparation and lodgment of plans and dealings will come into effect on 19 May 2017. All documents lodged with ...

1 Apr 2017
National mortgage form introduction

Circular 2017/04 The National Mortgage Form (NMF) is a significant national initiative. It standardises the content and presentation of mortgages lodged for registration through all lodgment ...

1 Mar 2017
Land and Property Information NSW (Authorised Transaction) Act 2016 - Commencement of Schedule 4 and new Pricing Regulations

Circular 2017/01 The Government has proclaimed 19 May 2017 as the commencement date for the remaining uncommenced provisions of the Land and Property Information NSW (Authorised ...

1 Nov 2016
Revised conveyancing rules

Circular 2016/02On 28 October 2016, the Office of the Registrar General published Version 2 of the Conveyancing Rules on the Land and Property Information (LPI) ...

1 Nov 2016
Commencement of the Strata Schemes Development Regulation 2016

Circular 2016/03 The Strata Schemes Development Regulation 2016 will commence on 30 November 2016. Together with the Strata Schemes Development Act 2015 (‘the Act’) and the ...

2 Oct 2016
Copyright fees

Schedule 1 of the Conveyancing (General) Regulation 2013 prescribes the fee amounts for copyright purposes in relation to supplying an image of a registered plan ...

1 Oct 2016
New strata legislation commencing 30 November 2016

Circular 2016/01New strata legislation, administered by the Office of the Registrar General and NSW Fair Trading, will come into operation on 30 November 2016. The ...
