Dicussion Paper - Transitioning from paper to digital survey plans

The Office of the Registrar General released a discussion paper on the transition from paper to digital survey plans in August 2021.

The proposed changes involve many industry professionals and other stakeholders who interact with NSW deposited and strata plans. The proposed changes include:

  • new online services to make it easier for surveyors to prepare digital survey plans and associated documents, while reducing the risk of errors
  • establishing a single point of truth for surveyor certified plans, ensuring all contributing, reviewing and consenting parties have access to the same information
  • moving to 100% online lodgment of plans
  • linking up NSW Land Registry Services (NSW LRS) Connect and the NSW Planning Portal to streamline the subdivision and strata certificate application process
  • introduction of simplified Lot Diagrams to make it easier for non-surveyors to interpret property boundary information
  • a new digital plan examination process and a framework for digital survey plan data to be considered the legal point of truth.

The proposed changes are significant and involve modernising most stages of the plan creation to registration process.

Discussion paper – Transitioning from paper to digital survey plans

The discussion paper was released on the NSW Government Have Your Say website on 18 August 2021. Submissions closed on 8 October 2021.

Discussion paper – Transitioning from paper to digital survey plans

Summary of discussion paper submissions